It's official! If you go to Guardian Angel Pet Rescue's website and scroll down thru the available dogs, you will find Bandit. Guardian Angel Pet Rescue is a wonderful agency that rescues dogs & cats from death row and finds them their forever home. Bandit is a great dog even though Teddy isn't quite in agreement.
My running, that had started back up with a vengeance had sputtered to a small spark with all the gloomy, rainy weather of late. My back yard has become nothing more than a muddy murky swamp. Poor Bandit! He's been so cooped up. So I decided that today was the day to"kill 2 birds with 1 stone" so to speak. I laced up my Asics and put the leash on Bandit and out the door we went. He did AWESOME!! In the beginning, he was practically dragging me but as we settled into a steady pace, we ran side by side. By the end of our 30 minute run, we were both exhausted. There were a couple of times when we got a little tripped up -- me over the leash and he over my 2 feet. Oh and of course, in the beginning, he had to mark every mailbox and sniff every yard but he quickly caught on. I thought it was a great start to what I hope becomes a common occurance.
So if you're in need of a running buddy of the 4-legged persuasion, please consider adoption. I'm sure glad I did!
Gotta run...