Sunday, November 2, 2008


She arrived at the park fully armed -- water, apples w/peanut butter, gloves and a big smile. She says she was nervous. I believe her only because I remember my 1st 8 miler -- I was very nervous. By looking at her, you would never have known.

I think I look more nervous than she does.

I woke up Sat morning still not feeling well. My fever broke around 3:30pm on Friday but Sat morning was the 1st time I'd been out of bed since I got home from work on Thursday. But Sat had absolutely nothing to do with me. I knew this run was going to be the deciding factor for Norma. Her decision to run St Jude in Dec would be based on her performance today.

Norma with Coach Susan
As you can see, Norma met her 8 mile goal. Seeing her face afterwards made me glad I got out of bed. Not only was it a great accomplishment for her but very inspirational for me. On November 24, 2007, I met Norma for the 1st time. She wanted to run 2 miles by her birthday. Almost a year later, she has an 8 miler under her belt! It just goest to show, you can do ANYTHING if you want it bad enough.
Well, it's time for my next dose of Advil Cold & Sinus.
Gotta run...back to bed...

1 comment:

Susan said...

YOU are the coach!!!